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Online Donations
By clicking Donate Now, you will be directed to the donations page of the NDSU Foundation, administrator of the Darren Tehven Memorial Scholarship.
To ensure your donation is routed to the proper designation:
Step 1: Select “Other” from the Designation drop-down
Step 2: Type in “Darren Tehven Memorial Scholarship” in the Other text box
The NDSU Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) Nonprofit organization
If you prefer mail
Send funds to:
NDSU Foundation
PO Box 5144
Fargo, ND 58102
Please indicate that the funds should be used for the Darren Tehven Memorial Scholarship
Contact us.
If you have questions, would like to learn more about the scholarship, or would like to connect with the founders of the Darren Tehven Memorial Scholarship, please use this form to connect with us.
Typical response time is 24 - 48 hours.